The FUSED (Functional Uses of Socially Engaged Design) Program has been designed specifically for College of Engineering project teams with a clear social impact or community engagement element in their mission. Teams that participate in this will benefit from collaborative accountability and Socially Engaged Engineering & Design support. 

Teams will also be asked to complete 4 design skill modules throughout the year specifically tailored to the project team experience. Each month, participants will learn about and create a functional and relevant SED tool or strategy to deploy in their design process. Teams will be required to meet with program staff regularly to receive feedback on progress, referrals to additional campus partners as needed, and support in seeking external resources. 

Teams that complete the program expectations will be declared a Socially Engaged Design Team and awarded funding, public recognition, and access to new C-SED resources.

FUSED Program Components:

The FUSED Program for teams will operate from late October through early April with 1-2 requirements per month and unlimited mentoring and guidance from C-SED staff.

Student Project Team Accelerator Kick-Off – Saturday, October 19th

All project teams will join together to receive a program welcome as well as a clear and transparent explanation of program expectations and purpose. Individual team members will be able to choose to attend the Introduction to Socially Engaged Design workshop or another workshop if already familiar with SED. The Introduction to SED workshop is a requirement for all participants to ensure an informed consent regarding the spirit of SED and how it will interact with their team’s mission.

Monthly Touchpoints – November – March

Initial Planning Meeting:

During this touchpoint, project team leads will meet with program staff to co-select team goals for the program, identify appropriate design skills to learn, and to introduce program staff to the team’s mission.

SED Content + Tool Development:

Once each month, project teams will receive instruction regarding a socially engaged engineering and design skill or topic and have the opportunity to create a tool to actualize these skills. These content and skills are co-selected during the initial planning meeting by both program staff and the team themselves to ensure the tools are relevant to the team’s mission.

Design Stage: Modules: Tool:
Explore Stakeholder Identification & Mapping Stakeholder Map
Interviewing Skills Interview Protocol 
Contextual Factors & Secondary Research Data Collection Plan
Observational Framework Observation Plan
Define Preparing for a Needs Assessment  Needs Assessment Plan
Problem Definition Needs Statement(s)
Determining Requirements & Specifications  User Requirements & Specifications
Ideate Idea Generation Idea Bank
Idea Selection Decision Matrix
Develop Prototyping as a Tool for Feedback Prototyping Plan
Stress Testing a Solution Failure Modes & Effects Analysis
Realize Implementation & Transition Considerations Implementation Plan

End of Year Report – April

This report will feature a summary of the team’s work that year, goals for the following year, and post-program reflection questions themed on the Socially Engaged Design’s four values.

Join the Program

Join us in the FUSED Program and be part of a community dedicated to making a meaningful impact through engineering. Move your team forward, develop your socially engaged engineering and design skills, and access a new level of support and resources!

To apply, the project team lead(s) must complete the below application by Monday, October 14th. The program kick-off on Saturday, October 19th from 11am – 3pm is an essential component of the experience – please make your calendars and inform your team members to do so as well. 


The inaugural FUSED Program cohort will be capped at 8 individual project teams to ensure quality support.


Questions about the program?

Schedule a time to meet with program manager, Lawryn Fellwock, to see if FUSED is a good fit for your team.


Sign up for office hours here

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