The FUSED (Functional Uses of Socially Engaged Design) Program  has been designed specifically for College of Engineering students and  project teams with a clear social impact or community engagement element in their mission. Teams and individuals that participate in this will benefit from collaborative accountability and Socially Engaged Engineering & Design support. 

Teams will also be asked to attend 4 workshops throughout the year specifically tailored to the project team experience. Participants will leave each workshop with a functional and relevant SED tool or strategy to deploy in their design process. Teams will be required to meet with program staff regularly to receive feedback on progress, referrals to additional campus partners as needed, and support in seeking external resources. 

Teams that complete the program expectations will be declared a Socially Engaged Design Team and awarded funding, public recognition, and access to new C-SED resources. Individuals who complete the program will be declared a Socially Engaged Designer/Engineer and be awarded a certificate of accomplishment, public recognition, and support translating their new skills to their career. 

Join the Program

Join us in the FUSED Program and be part of a community dedicated to making a meaningful impact through engineering. Move your team forward, develop your socially engaged design skills, and access a new level of support and resources!

To apply, the project team lead(s) must complete the below application by Monday, October 7th. The program kick-off on [DATE + TIME HERE] is an essential component of the experience – please make your calendars and inform your team members to do so as well. 


The inaugural FUSED Program cohort will be capped at 10 individual project teams to ensure quality support.

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